Saturday, February 13, 2016

This is The Date. 14 February 2016

14 February 2016

At 3 am in the morning, I woke up and look at my 3rd son who is currently have his cough again after few weeks of series of cough, runny nose and fever. I really need to do something. I don't want him to get any fever again because of the cough.

Then I decide to seriously change our family menu into gluten free. Why gluten free? Are they that bad? I will make another post about gluten later.

We already change our menu into gluten free a few months back. But during my confinement period after delivering our 4th baby, our menu change drastically. Moms coming to our house to take care of me and my family. It takes about 2 months. Just 2 months. But I can see the difference. It lower our immunity. After confinement, all of our family members, including the baby get sick.

SERIOUSLY. I will not turn back after this. This is for my family.

~Mommy M~

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